My name is Loki. I live with my hooman's and adopted sister Enyo in Worcestershire.

My one hooman is author B.L.Wilde. I love to chill in her writing room and help her with plot ideas. I came up with the good boi diaries for her blog. (My hooman author will try to take credit for it, but it was all my idea.) Every few weeks my hooman will write exactly what I tell her too about the adventures of my sister and me. I thought it would give you a break from hearing about her books all the time.
What we've been doing this week!

This week I got lots of ball time in the garden. I love it when my hooman’s throw my ball for me for hours at a time. I can not get enough of it. I never want them to stop! Ball is life! It’s almost as good as cheese!!

My sister Enyo spent most of the week under or on a blanket. That’s her happy place. She loves blanket’s like I love ball.

I managed to get some of my hooman’s yummy shortbread biscuit just from a single glance. What can I say? I’m a handsome boy and have skills.
(That's Enyo under the blanket. Yes, she's a bit crazy like me.)

Hopefully at the weekend our hooman’s will take my sister and I for a nice long walk by the river so we can look for squirrels and cats.
Until next time…….. Be good, like me (sometimes).
